

We will not stop until we get 3.5% of the planets population, about 300 million people, all pledging and agreeing to strike, boycott, and protest on the same day all across the world.

The General Strike is a century old tool that working peoples can implement to refuse labor for demands to be met.

Research shows that around 3.5% of the population going on strike results in 100% success rate for effective change. Lets do this!

more genreal info. . .

Decentralized Organizing

The General Strike model uses decentralized and distributed model of organizing to coordinate and build our movement. This means that any person in any country in any language and in any organization can choose to start organizing and taking action. You do NOT need permission to use our materials, to replicate or start new ideas or work with your local or online communities. Lets get to work.

more details on organizing. . .

Commit, Pledge, Sign Up, Ping

Every indivual has a unique experience and connection to their community. As a global network, our goal is to connect you to your countries and local regional strike organization(s). Each organization may have a different pledge, strike card, model and way to sign up. So you should always work towards connecting to your local, regional and national organizations, and we will help you with that.

With our core values of decentralization, we are helping build a global way we can all engage with any strike organization at any level. We are building a bottom up individual empowered network of Strike Cards that each individual controls. Your card will be attached to your public and or private profiles(s) and will be accesible to the organizations that need to keep track of anyone in their region that wants to strike. So you can either go directly to your local organization and sign up, and or you can also set up your indivual strike care.

The first step to making your decentralized data accessible is to draft and design your own personal strike card. Then you will choose how you want to connect it to the network. Either publicly, privately, secretly etc… At all times you control your own data and connection to the decentralized organizing process.

After you set up your Strike Card, we ask that each person re-ping their Pledge and commitment to the General Strike regularly. For those fully committed we ask you to ping once per month. For those not as active, once per quarter or at least annually will ensure we are all active and engaged in the Strike preparations.

Link to Network of Strike Organizations
Link to Create your Decentralized Strike Card

Strike Stages:

WE have organized our decentralized model for this Global Strike into 3 Stages. Each stage represents 33% of our total goal.

1st Stage:

0- 100 Million Peoples Signed Up to Strike!

This is all about building the momentum and initial energy for the Global General Strike.

We will connect and reach out to organizations already planning and coordinating local, regional, and even natural strikes, boycotts and protests, and encourage them to connect into a larger global vision to take on the billionaire class everywhere, as boarders are not applicable to them. We are stronger together.

2nd Stage:

100-200 Million People Signed up to Strike!

We will be organizing and preparing for the Global Strike. We will be brainstorming and brining our demands into focus as THE PEOPLE united across the world.

We will be beginning to detail what the actual strike days will look like, how we will protect ourselves regardless if the strike lasts days, weeks, or months. Everything from the boycotts on multi-national corporate distributors, to how we can rely on local farmers markets and communities for sustenance and mutual aid to ensure housing and resources during the boycott.

WE will be working in decenrilized groups while building agreement, striving towards consensus, on our strike days and demands. We want all points of view and voices herd. Each country and local region may have specific demands of their own that can be added to the global demands that we are all working to enact together.

Stage 3:

300+ Million People Signed Up to Strike!

At this point we may see regular regional and national strikes all leading up to the Global Shutdown.

We will finalize our demands, and prepare to strike.

Our goal is 3.5% of the population in each country. So even if we have 300 Million People, there may be some countries under the 3.5%. Depending on which countries, we could all decide to move forward, but some countries, depending on how important their infrastructure and billionares, may need a bit more time to reach the 3.5% within that country. We have to be patient and focus on the primary outcome and goal, not just the process. If that means we need 400+ Million people to get to the 3.5% in the essencial countries we need to be able to have enough pressure to succeed, then that is perfectly fine.

Funds raised will be distributed to support the strikers locally, and we will get to action on striking.

When the agreed upon day comes, we STRIKE!!!! Until our demands are met.

This could last days, weeks, or months so we have to be prepared. We will be raising escrow funds, ideally worth millions at this time to be distributed to local chapters to use to help with mutual aid during the strike to ensure people have access to food and housing while striking.

Our goal is to collaborate with and expand the role of farmers markets as hubs in the community for daily trade and access to local food. People should be able to go to their local market everyday and find anything they need including mutual aid, so that everyone can strike, boycott, and protest the entire billionaire class until our demands are met.

Who is Striking, Boycotting, and Protesting?

Anyone and everyone!

Regular people, human beings, actors, organizations, kids, students, artists, activists, teachers, workers, laborers, athletes, drivers, gig workers, waiters, retirees, and anyone and everyone who wants to join. We are open to everyone who agrees with our process and agreed upon demands and vision for leaving our world better for future generations than what we inherited.

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