Our values are all about decentralization. We are a decentralized network of many organizations. Our primary goals is to be a hub to help people connect to national and local strike organizations around the world.
Anyone can use our materials and create their own decentralized organization as well, and we can all work together. We are people across the world, and we all have a vision to come together and radically change our collective future.
We are done with the dead end trajectory of corporate oligarchs and the billionaire class of just a few 1,000 people who hoard the wealth and power for themselves at the expense of everyone else including our entire planetary biosphere we all rely on and future generations. #LifeOverProfits
Rating: 7.70/10. From 1 vote.
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We use a decentralized model of organizing. This means that anyone can organize with any group in any country and any language and just start taking action. You can use all our materials and just get to work and make this happen.
Rating: 8.90/10. From 1 vote.
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We are charing a new path based on our dicent of the status quo. We disagree and are ready and open to hear all view points and ways of moving forward with mutual benefit.
Rating: 6.70/10. From 1 vote.
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With 300 million people, we openly empower and support all view points, all ideologies, all perspectives, and every race, gender, and ability. To have Humanity and all human existence in balance with nature is the foundation to diversity and sustainability for us all.
Rating: 8.90/10. From 1 vote.
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We are an open collaborative model of organization. No one is turned away for lack of money, or point of view. We support all view points and you never need to conform to a specific label or pre-designation before being allowed to collaborate. If issues arise, we directly address conflict, and empower conflicting strategies to organize decentrally in parallel, with liaisons to keep on track.
Rating: 8.70/10. From 1 vote.
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We believe in organizing transparently and publicly, which means that all communications, all decision making, and all documentations are available and accessable to all. The higher the level the more important it is to be transparent and accountable. Therefore the global level is the most important to be open transparent and accountable. We also support other organizations and country and local organizations to organize privately.
Rating: 8.90/10. From 1 vote.
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We believe in the evolution of democracy for decision making to support all people, not just those willing to pressure, kill or destroy for power.
We support majority rule, but strive towards consensus for all decisions. Local individuals and groups have the most power and then as we unite the groups are more to facilitate between local groups.
We support demographic democracy to ensure that all view points and peoples from all ways of life are represented automatically based on scientifically verifiable population dynamics. We support on-going decision making that is always transparent always reviewable and always evaluatable. We use a derivative version of sociociracy.
Rating: 8.90/10. From 1 vote.
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In our model we are not volunteers. All contributions are considered value, and we are investing our time into the future of our society, humanity, and future generations. Our contributions are valuable, and all contributions can be tracked and documented for decentralized token distributions on the blockchain whenever we want.
Rating: 8.40/10. From 1 vote.
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All aspects of our decentralized organizing is built to maximize interactivity and empowerment. This means every decision is evaluatable and anyone can vote on anything, including on our website, every demand, every value including this one is evaluatable for everyone. We purposefully build smaller groups, ideally less than 15 people, to be able to have full interactivity instead of just listening, and to have more engagement and empowerment to individuals.
Rating: 8.80/10. From 1 vote.
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Supporting each other, especially community organizer is the foundation of our values and commitment to making the world a better place for ourselves and future generations. Those who have resources are expected and encourage to help others, especially community organizers, to make this project a reality. We also balance this with accountability checks, verification, and KYC or other needs to prevent scams and people taking advantage without considering other peoples needs. One bad actor can ruin mutual aid for dozens of others.
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