This is an example DRAFT Pre declaration of THE PEOPLES Demands. Feel free to vote on each demand to help prioritize. At the bottom you can input your own draft demands.
We felt it was important to include actual example demands as opposed to just categories, to make sure people understand the general direction we could go, and to also allow the creativity to start flowing by editing and inputing demands for when we have millions of people all working together to finalize everything we want in our demands.
We THE PEOPLE demand A viable accelerated path for one, many, or all of the following;
We THE PEOPLE demand an end to the mass societal abuse of people everywhere. This Abuse is simply for the profit of a few billionaires. The societal structures that propagate abuses must be taken down.
Rating: 8.30/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that Life Over Profit be the way of the land.
Rating: 9.60/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand the end to all wars for the purpose of profit and oligarch posturing. Killing for profit can no longer be legal. Period.
Rating: 9.40/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that Refugee status be the primary citizenship to all people with access to rights and resources for those displaced due to greed, profit, and uncontrollable circumstances.
Rating: 9.10/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that the natural migration of humans to access all needed resources be decriminalized and to end corporate sucking of local economies so economic migration is not needed.
Rating: 8.10/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand Access to life saving Health Care for All.
Rating: 9.70/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that the sanctity of doctor patient relationships be honored and to end all practice of politics, ideologies, and for profit companies coming in between people and their doctors ability to care for us.
Rating: 9.60/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand access to specific and equally necessary Health care for All Women, including access to pregnancy termination with clear differentiated rights for all involved parities and stages of pregnancy, and the right to quickly migrate with safe passage if needed health services are not locally available.
Rating: 9.40/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that the for profit military industrial complex as the primary economic foundation of our planet be phased out and instead replaced with Infinite access to decentralized and diversified education for all people. All high schools will be transformed into universities and all people will have access to higher education, adult education, vocational training, in every city for their entire lives.
Rating: 8.90/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand equal oversight for the distribution of resources and economic opportunities for all races, classes, ability, and identities.
Rating: 9.70/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand the equal protection under the law for anyone to love and marry who we want, to think they way they want, and to live their lives they way they want, as long as they don’t force their way of life on others.
Rating: 9.10/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that all wages be fixed to local cost of living and forever rise with inflation and that inflation will be tracked scientifically using the best accessible methods.
Rating: 9.40/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that all local communities be empowered with their own ability to provide base amounts of food with nearby common land to coordinate expandable food production.
Rating: 8.80/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that all local communities be empowered with access to land for local housing communities to ensure housing as a right for all in need.
Rating: 8.80/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that the right to sleep and have outdoor housing cannot be infringed, and that all neighborhoods are required to take on the proportional number of homeless and decide whether they can stay in outdoor homes or live in unoccupied structures.
Rating: 9.10/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that all local communities be empowered with their own security and be supplied with resources to build their own regulated militias, including land for storage, training and organizing of said militias. In times of peace those weapons do not leave that land and are not available to any police forces, or normal citizens. Our communities, neighborhoods and our schools should be safe and free of rapid killing devices including guns, and that the primary peace officers of our communities will also not carry weapons and instead call on police with weapons only when needed as backup. For those wanting guns or killing machines more than a simple hunting or target practice rifle you will have to join the local militia.
Rating: 8.40/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that billionaires STOP destroying the planet just to line their own pockets.
Rating: 9.40/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that all landfills and direct pollution into air, water, or fire, be reduced, and instead turn all landfills into Resource Cycling Centers. All parts of products need to be required to have identifying or scalable marks that charge money to companies, to ensure the cost of cycling products and cleaning pollution are always included in the design of every product.
Rating: 9.20/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand a cyclical economic markets in alignment with nature, that cycles up and down instead of endless unsustainable growth at the expense of everything and everyone else. This can easily be done with derivative models and as long as we all know the general direction of the economy, it is fine.
Rating: 8.70/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that human resource consumption be capped at scientifically determined levels based on overall carrying capacity of all other animals. We can estimate this at about 25% for humans and 75% for all other land societies and animal colonies. The more animals that live independently from human society on the land, the more resources that humans can use. Decision making on human resource consumption should be biased on population linage from 1800s when there was about 1 billion people. That means that ancestors from that time will have 800% more powerful vote on resources than the people alive today, or that people alive today have 1.8th the voting power on average than people from the 1800s. So a family linage with parents who had 2 kids, and then an additional 2 kids for each generation would have the same voting power as the 1800s. If a family linage with parents have 4 kids each generation, then today they would have 1/8th the number of votes and power over rescues than their ancestors. It is important to note that resource oversight is NOT overall power of our democracy, it is only about resource value distribution. So if there is a individual that doesn’t use their allotted resources, they should be empowered to sell their resource use at the market rate. For those who want to use more than their allotted resources, they have to purchase those resource. So it is very flexible and empowering for individuals.
Rating: 9.20/10. From 1 vote.
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We the People Demand a fair equitable and simple tax system.
Rating: 6.30/10. From 1 vote.
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We the people demand that the primary tax model be the legalization, taxation and regulation of all addictive products, substances, services, or platforms. They will all be accessible but taxed with medical resources available to all who are addicted and additional funds going to the general government for services and program. This will build an automatic check and balance on using addiction and phycological manipulation on the people of the world for corporate profit, greed, and control.
Rating: 7.70/10. From 1 vote.
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We the people demand that an overall wealth tax be the primary means of creating a maximum wage and wealth to balance the existing minimum wage. This includes a maximum wage of 100x pay for CEOs over the minimum paid worker, and a Maximum wealth of 10,000 times the cost of living for 1 year, which is exactly 100 lifetimes (living about 100 years). Therefore no one person’s life should be worth more than 100 other people making a living wage for 100 years. Individuals who surpass these guidelines will only be addressed through one-time taxes reviewed and proposed every 7-10 years, at the same rate of forgiving bankruptcies.
Rating: 9.50/10. From 1 vote.
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We the people demand a one time jubilee and redistribution of wealth as a one time tax, which will effect only the richest 3,000 people to reduce their wealth to no more than 10,000 times the annual living wage of where they choose their primary residence on earth. This is equivalent to 100 lifetimes at living wage. This redistribution of wealth will include but not limited to the reversal of corporate sucking from local economies, the reparations to all families and communities inflicted from societal abuse with no statue of limitations, and a massive distribution of scholarships to educational resources for all. Example: If a multi billionaire chooses their primary residence to be New York City, the maximum amount of wealth they could keep would be equal to about $900 million.
Rating: 9.40/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand direct access for involvement in setting of the agenda of discussion and votes of our representatives. We must end the practice of not voting on important issues, and ensure that all essencial issues are voted on regularly, even if they don’t pass.
Rating: 7.60/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand to lower the voting age to so all youth in high schools learn civic engagement for a minimum of 2-3 years of their high school life, and are given direct empowerment to make decisions over their high school, equivalent to student government, academic senate, and university administrations.
Rating: 7.70/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand the right of THE PEOPLE to engage in decentralized organizing and make decisions directly through our phones and computers with checks and balances through representation. The foundation of decentralized democracy is individual consent and engagement. Each individual publishes their own strike card, their own rights, their own consents, and then those are all automatically pooled to see where the majority and super majority secure as codified, while protecting the sanctity of minorities and individual consent.
Rating: 8.90/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand Anti trust for all markets and all political systems that any organization or caucus may have no more than 10% of any market or legislative body. Buying out companies should be outlawed and instead mutual interest partnerships become the normal to ensure the rights of minority technology and innovation. All companies must work towards the knowledge of humanity, not just an image of work just for the purpose of being bought out by a bigger company to have all that work trashed so it can’t compete. No political party can have more than 10% of any decision making body, and can not caucus or collude internally with other parties except to vote on empowering an inter-dependent coalition. Larger parties are broken up based on smaller differences. Just too much power for one single organization.
Rating: 8.90/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that the Primary Peoples Assembly of all countries directly empowers countries based on weighted votes based on scientific evaluation of each countries ability to meet the following; democracy index, providing for their communities needs, individual consent, and their ability to meet environmental balance with nature based on indigenous principles. Countries that are more democratic, meet more community needs, have more individual consent, and are more balanced with nature simply have more power to make decisions. Period.
Rating: 8.80/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand direct and completely unabridged access to bankruptcies. Period. This must include any and all debt including all medical and student debt and any debt for individuals, organizations, institutions, agencies and entire governments. THE PEOPLE can always go bankrupt. We will build whatever infrastructure are required to ensure economic stability including no more than 10% debt in any sector being controlled by one entity.
Rating: 8.70/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that the purpose of housing must be to house people and families. Period. All purchases of housing for investment speculation, and portfolio diversification must be secondary. This means the primary buyers of housing must always be prioritized to be people and families first before offerings for real estate, company investment, or market speculation.
Rating: 9.00/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that everyone receive a minimum universal equity and a Minimum Universal Income no matter how small. This infrastructure will grow overtime but these funds can be used for the purchase of basic rights like food, housing, and shelter for all who want to use it. This will increase the economic output and can allow for those with additional needs to get additional support.
Rating: 8.40/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that everyone has access to a job at the level of their ability, including both under and over educated positions. As long as income and money is a requirement for meeting basic life needs, access to a job must be a right not a privilege.
Rating: 8.40/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that minimum basic human rights must include; security, food, homes, education, and access to a job.
Rating: 7.80/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that all workers have access to mutually beneficial relationships with their employees and companies including paid leave, paid vacations, sick leave, profit sharing and retirement savings, maternity, paternity, ability to unionize easily and quickly, work life balance including working from home if it doesn’t impact production
Rating: 8.80/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that all prisons be turned into boarding schools. All people have a right to go to school for life. Life in prison becomes life in school. Period.
Rating: 8.70/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand that all animal have inherent rights just like humans, prioritizing inter-species communications and representation with higher apes, wales, octopuses and more. Our primary start to supporting all animas is detailed scientific (non lethal) census of all animals and biomes.
Rating: 8.30/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand the ability for infinite representation to ensure all commons are upheld for the benefit of all, including all people, species, ecosystems, and the earth itself, and any other beings or locations needed to be included in the future. Infinite representation means that anyone can represente anyone and anything else with no restrictions, except if multiple people want to represent with differne tinterest, the multual beneficial interests always win out and we can collective know which those are.
Rating: 8.30/10. From 1 vote.
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We THE PEOPLE demand the creation of Indigenous Elders Councils at all levels of government with access to the people as the foundation to build a Indigenous Native Peoples Renaissance to connect our society back to our roots and values of life.
Rating: 8.60/10. From 1 vote.
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There comes a time for one people to evolve political bands with an other and to re-acknowledge the separate and equal powers provided by the Laws of Nature. And through this endeavor we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
Feel free to draft new demands by leaving a comment/reply bellow.
If you feel that our demands have had enough input from enough people and enough perspective, and are complete then vote here:
Proposal: We agree that our Demands have been reviewed by enough people and perspectives and are correct and ready to present to the billionaire class, corporations and governments?
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